
19.08.2015  13:54

  新疆亚欧网讯   Townsville Police have come up with a unique way of stopping drivers from drink driving - rewarding those who 'blow zero' with the chance to win a $50 pub voucher. 为整治酒后驾车,澳大利亚汤斯维尔警察想出一个绝招:经过呼气酒精测试仪检测,酒精浓度为零的司机有机会获得50美元的酒馆代金券。

  The radical plan, which is part of Road Safety Week, is aimed at combating the drink-driving problem and carnage on northern Queensland roads this year. 这个颠覆性的计划是“道路安全周”的一部分,旨在整治酒后驾车,减少昆士兰州北部的交通事故。

  Acting Assistant Commissioner Paul Taylor said the joint initiative of local RBT units and the Townsville Liquor Accord will not reward drivers with a drink. He stressed pub and club coupons can only be used for food and not alcohol. 'This is a community-led initiative it's not just about the police and emergency services, it is a reward for good motorists,' he said. 代理助理督察员保罗?泰勒表示,由当地RBT单位和汤斯维尔酒精协议联合发起的这项活动不会以酒奖励司机。他强调酒馆和俱乐部的代金券只适用于食物,不适用于酒水。他说,“这是社区倡导的行为,这不仅仅是警察和紧急服务的事情,这对遵守规则的驾驶员来说是一种奖励。

  When Townsville drivers are pulled over and register a nil reading, they are given the opportunity to go into the draw for the coupons. Motorists who receive the voucher will be able to spend $50 on a bistro meal at selected venues. 汤斯维尔司机被拦下来做酒精测试,登记的酒精浓度为零时,他们就有机会抽代金券。抽中的司机可以在指定场所使用价值50美元的代金券,享用美食。

  Mr Taylor said the reason the coupons were being handed out across Townsville was because of its range of eateries and relaxed outdoor lifestyle. 'People come up here to relax and yet many of them still try to save a few minutes by doing the wrong thing,' he said. 泰勒先生说,之所以在汤斯维尔分发代金券,是因为这里有各式各样的餐馆和休闲户外活动。他说,“人们来这里放松,但是还是有很多人为了赶时间而做一些错事。

  'We have tried everything, we are trying to get the message out. If the initiative of rewarding good behavior strikes up conversations at home around road safety then that's good.' “我们已经想尽办法,我们正努力将这一理念散播出去。如果奖励好司机的倡议可以在国内引起人们关于道路安全的讨论,那是极好的。

  'We have programs such as "Who’s Des Tonight”, a designated driver program that entitles the non-drinking driver free soft drink for taking responsibility for getting home their mates safely,' said Arthur McMahon, president of the TLA. 'The "‘Blow Zero" campaign is another way of rewarding.' TLA主席亚瑟?麦可曼说道,“我们有‘Who’s Des Tonight’等项目,这个指定项目会给那些无酒后驾驶的司机提供免费软饮,因为他们为同伴的安全负起了责任。而‘吹零’活动是另一种奖励方式。